Here are some of the questions we frequently get asked at JOIN Fincubator. If you have any other questions for us, please let us know by filling out the form in our "Contact Us" section, we promise to respond to all your inquiries as soon as possible!

JOIN Fincubator, (The Jordan Innovation Fintech Incubator) is a one-of-a-kind fintech innovation hub established by the Jordan Payments and Clearing Company (JoPACC) and its strategic partner The Central Bank of Jordan, to nurture innovations and improve learning in financial technology. The hub provides different services to fintech start-ups and entrepreneurs and empowers them with various tools to develop their fintech ideas and convert them into reality. Through JOIN Fincubator, innovators can create, validate, and test their fintech solutions.

Participants who JOIN will have access to different services including: Access to Infrastructure: JOIN has worked on acquiring critical platforms, systems, and data, that individuals or entities may not be able to obtain alone. JOIN’s participants can access this digital financial infrastructure to accelerate and enable their fintech innovations.   Access to Expertise: JOIN Fincubator capitalizes on its connections across the public and private sectors in Jordan and the international community to offer various expertise and knowledge programs. Access to Partnerships: JOIN Fincubator’s participants are granted access to strategic partnership opportunities with several different institutions, such as banks and financial institutions, global financial innovation organizations, local and international accelerators/incubators, and academic institutions and think tanks. Access to Markets: JOIN collaborates closely with other fintech enablers in different regions and jurisdictions to offer its cohorts the opportunity to export their innovative products and services. Access to Finance: Through JOIN’s reputable connections in the banking and investment world, it provides its innovators with a platform where they can meet potential investors and venture capitalists who might be interested in their products and services.

JOIN Fincubator offers a variety of services to different target groups that are tailored to their needs. JOIN programs are available to: Fintech Start-ups and Entrepreneurs: JOIN is committed to helping fintech start-ups and entrepreneurs find funding and partners, access information and cutting-edge infrastructure, and penetrate markets. Financial Institutions and Corporates: JOIN Fincubator will enable financial institutions and corporates to create agile digital financial products, increasing interoperability and accessibility of financial services, all while decreasing the cost required to access them. Students and Academic Institutions: JOIN Fincubator provides a practical knowledge hub for students to increase their research interest in fintech-related topics, which increases their capacity for innovation, and reduces the barriers to interactive learning opportunities. Grant Makers and Investors: JOIN Fincubator is committed to empowering start-ups and entrepreneurs. Thus, it aims to create and maintain fruitful relationships with grant makers and investors by providing them with attractive investment and grant opportunities, all while helping fintech start-ups meet their investment needs. 

If you have a new fintech idea that you want to test and develop or if you are interested in any of JOIN’s services and programs, please fill out the form in our "Contact Us" section and elaborate on your request. Our team will assess your request and walk you through the process and requirements.

JO REG BOX, short for The Jordan Regulatory Sandbox, is a safe and controlled experimental environment provided by the Central Bank of Jordan at JOIN Fincubator, that allows businesses and entrepreneurs to test newly developed fintech solutions and get certified once they pass all regulatory tests and requirements.

Interested participants can send their requests by filling out the form in our "Contact Us" section. Our team will review each request thoroughly and confirm to the participant whether they are eligible for participation and the move-forward process.

While JOIN Fincubator plays a vital role in connecting entrepreneurs with potential investors, it does NOT provide financing to participants’ projects.

JOIN Fincubator’s building is located on Arar Street, building No. 195, Amman, Jordan.